Friday, January 29, 2016

Progress is being made

On the recovery list almost.  Got a "cold" or as the doctor said the "flu".  Guess I am from the old school, a cold was when you are congested, and coughing.  The flu was when you were vomiting and in the bathroom all the time.  Whatever you want to call it I was down for the count. Basically slept for 48 hours.

Making progess on the Virginia Tech shawl.  The weaving is finished and now it is time for the fringe.  Then it will be available for sale along with the other shawls that my daughter and I have woven on the 7 foot triangle loom.  Our esty shop should be open and ready for business by the end of next week.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Eight inches of snow and adding more.  The weatherman says up to 24" before we are done.  I think more like 12" but what do I know.  My chickens and ducks must know something.  They refuse to come out of the coop today.  Get real upset when the door is opened.  But they do like the food and water when it is delivered.

Found a real interesting article today about how old are the eggs that you buy out of the store.  I know for sure mine are only a couple days old at the most because I bring them in from from the coop each day. To check  out this awesome article i found by clicking here.

Eggs Stock Photo

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Burr It's Cold!!

It is only 20 degrees.  I prefer the 70's.  Sounds like winter has come this part of the world.  It was in the 60's last week.  They are predicting snow for tomorrow and Friday.  Around here we believe it when we see it.  

My poor ducks tried to take a bath in or on an ice cube in their large water tray.  Felt sorry for them so I dumped the ice and gave them warm water.  Which they were very thankful. 

I'm not going outside

Monday, January 18, 2016

New Year -- New Blogger What a Combination

Just a little information about me.  I own a small farm outside of two small towns in Virginia. Where I raise chickens and ducks for eggs to sell. I also raise rabbits, quail and a cat just for the fun of it.

When I am not playing with my animals I enjoy weaving, knitting, crocheting, and gardening, which are supposed to keep me out of trouble -- but they don't...LOL...

I do have a small business that I am trying to grow called "Something Special....Especially for you" and I have been taking my goods to local craft shows and Farmer's Markets.  You can also visit me on Facebook and soon I hope to be on Etsy too!

I am all about family.  They are all my babies even the 40+ years old.  They are starting to spread out.  Four of them moved to Wyoming this last summer.  So my travels will now take me to the high desert in Wyoming.