Thursday, May 5, 2016

Baby arriving

Silver's baby ducks are starting to hatch.  At the last check there were three of them. Two yellow and one silver/black.  Think there were seven eggs. 

Spring time means flowers also.  Got the prettiest roses from my daughter for Mother's day.  They look so pretty on the table on the front porch.  I bought some geraniums for another planter that I put on the porch also.  Makes it homey out there.  Added some flowers at the entrance to the basement also.  

While I was out there I noticed the everbearing strawberries in the barrel are doing exceptionally good this year.  The ones that I planted earlier were June bearing strawberries.  These are some that I planted a couple of years ago.  They bear fruit all summer.  

Just had trouble in paradise.  My cat, Snowy, doesn't like other animals.  Someone left the door to the bedroom where my daughter's cat is temporally residing open.  Snowy must have got in there as her cat, Tiger, bled all over the room.  Seems to be just a scratch on his foot but sure is a lot of blood.  He seems okay now.  Just a mess to clean up.  He is about 17 years old and looks very fragile.  He normally lives with Josh, my son-in-law, in Radford.  Josh is on temporary assignment in New Hampshire so the cat came to live with us.  

Latest news about the bottle fed baby goat in Michigan.  She has learned to climb. 

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  In a 2008 survey, 58% of British teens thought Sherlock Holmes was a real guy, while 20% thought Winston Churchill was not.

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