Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Life has moved on since the last time I posted.

I will cover the sad news first.  Crystal, the baby goat, has died.  She got polio. Big Boy, the rooster that was attacked by the dog, has left us also.  Snowy, my cat, got hit by a car. The good news is that Snowy survived. 

I am out wandering the world.  Spend a week in Michigan taking care of some business. Currently I am in Ireland.  The history and landscape here are breath taking.  We visited an abbey yesterday that was built is the 2nd century. Most of the walls are still standing and some of the stone carvings are still visible. Unfortunately in the past it was common practice to remove the roof of buildings that would not be used so a lot of weather damage happens to the buildings. 

The food here is worth writing home about.  Currently I have been trying their soups.  So far, I have tried Potato and Leek soup, Zucchini and Eggplant soup, and Shamrock soup.  They were all very, very good.  I am going to have to try to make some.  The first night we were here we had Pork and Leek Bangers, they were very good also.

Have a good day.

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