Sunday, May 1, 2016

Look Mom

My grandson came to the door and said, "Look Mom.  Look at all the onions that I found."  They are my daffodils.  Guess we have to replant them.  My grandson is grounded so he is pulling weeds to get ungrounded. Didn't work out very good for me.  

Daughter just came in and told me that this is the year for cicade hatching in Virginia.  They like to lay eggs and kill young trees. Yikees.  Just planted 20 young trees and have 6 young fruit trees.  That is a lot of trees to protect.  The Internet says you wrap them with cheese cloth.  It didn't say anything about blueberry and blackberry bushes.  I have several of them. 

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? Cicadas think the sounds made by power tools and lawn maintenance equipment are made by cicadas. They get confused and will land on the people using the equipment!

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