Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rained out

Anyway that was the way the craft show felt today.  It didn't rain, rain, just a steady mist all day.  We left early.  It was only in the mid-50's and with the mist it felt cold.  Really too bad as the show had a lot of potential of being a really good one.  A great variety of vendors.   

Finished another small project on the inkle loom.  Not quite sure what I will do with it yet.  Went to Jo-Ann Fabric after the show and brought belt closures so guess I have committed to making a belt.  

Taking turns packing here.  Josh my son-in-law is packing to leave for New Hampshire.  He is temporarily working there 4 days a week.  Tomorrow is my turn.  Leaving Friday for Michigan.  

Got all 20 trees planted yesterday.  The cub scouts did a really awesome job.  Even put away tools before they left.  I can't say how thankful I am for their assistance.  

Had a great dinner tonight.  My son smoked a beef roast.  We had French onion soup, rice and mixed vegetable also.  Then for desert Dark Chocolate. Yum!!

Hope you had a good day.  Mine tired me out.  ]

Did you know?  A study found that people who spend a lot time on the internet are more likely to be depressed, lonely and mentally unstable.

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