Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Paperwork, paperworka

Beginning to really hate paperwork.  Spend 3 hours doing paperwork and still have not finished it.  Trying to keep up with mine and finish up Mom's is a real challenge when you want to be outside working in the yard or weaving pretty towels.  Stuck with it.  Probably best.

Had a spot taken off my back yesterday and it aches tonight.  Just trying to fold a load of laundry made it ache more.  So decided to stop while I was a head.

Lisa got the rest of the wire around the buildings.  Ready to block off an area when Silver hatches her eggs.  Wonder what she is going to do when she hatches those chicken eggs she is sitting on.  Have to separate the babies from the rest of the flock otherwise the others pick on the babies. 

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  George Washington did not have a middle name

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