Monday, April 11, 2016

She changed her mind.

Latest news on baby ducks. "Pretty Girl" must have changed her mind.  She wasn't the least bit interested in sitting on those eggs once the sun csme up. So we brought the eggs inside.  I really think the babies from "Silver" will be plenty of babies.  

We fenced around one building today so the babies and other feathered friends couldn't get under it.  The building sets from 0" to 12" off the ground. I have had a problem with the chickens and ducks wanting to spend the night under the coop with no protection.  We tried laying bricks around the edge but those got moved.  This will be better because it will allow ventilation under the coop.  In the winter I load the coop with so much straw that the ventilation will be stopped. We have one more building to secure the bottom.  It is only about 3 ft. from the coop.

My daughter woke up to a surprise this morning.  Evidently we had a guest in the night.  There was a dead mouse next to her bed.  "Snowy" is a very good mouser.  Maybe that is why I didn't sleep real good last night.  I am sure it was quite a cat/mouse chase.  

Found my camera today.  I had left it at the church yesterday.  When I asked if one had been found the reply was "It comes with a hair band"  Em had given me her headband and I must have laid them down together.  

Found some rhubarb today.  Had to run an errand down by the Kroger store so went in there.  First the produce manager said he didn't have any then he said wait there is some on that shelf.  So I was able to get some for Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam.  I got enough for 24 jars.  Last year I could only find enough for 8 jars.  
Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? Rhubarb is also known as "pie plant" because it is most commonly used for the preparation of pies.

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