Thursday, April 28, 2016

Busy Dayand

Another one of those days where I have been on the run all day and don't feel like I accomplished anything.

Started the day dealing with eggs.  Had orders for 4 dozen that had to be delivered to Forest.  While washing eggs,  I found 3 that had small holes in them.  Can't sell those so went to the hen house to see if there were any eggs laid this morning or last night.  No matter how much I talked to the hens (and I do on a regular basis anyway) I could only get one hen to help out.  So one order was two eggs short.  Explained it to the lady and she was agreeable to getting other two next week.

Washed up all four dozen duck eggs also.  When I was at church last night Sandy, the head of the kitchen, said they didn't need them for any up coming events but to bring them in and people could buy them out of the kitchen.  So today while I was in Forest, Lisa took them to the church.

Decided I needed to put labels with my name on them to attach to the egg cartons. Tonight Lisa and I designed the following label:

Something Special Homestead
Bedford, VA

Chicken Eggs

Best by:

Kay Bivens
cell: 540-309-5705
I offer a variety of products on my "Something Special" Facebook page and you can visit my farm at 

I decided I like Something Special Homestead instead of Something Special Farm because I produce more than farm items here.  Anyway I try.

Things are coming together for the cub scouts to plant trees tomorrow night.  Miss Utility  came today to mark the utility lines so they don't cut a line.  Twenty of the trees came today.  Now if the weather cooperates, we will be all set.

The warm weather and the small amount of rain is helping the potatoes recover.  My daughter that moved to Wy had a chicken coop that had not been cleaned in over a year so Lisa and I decided that would be good fertilizer for the potatoes.  Almost killed them.  It was too hot (not decomposed).  Took it off the best I could about a week after I put it on.  Thought the potatoes were done for but guess not.  They look pretty good if you ask me. 

Lisa was out checking on the female ducks that are determined there are not enough ducks living here. Lucky had visitors.  Lisa shot the following video:

Had to put the animals to bed early tonight.  Lisa happened to be in the yard when she heard the male animals like the drake and roosters start making a strange sound.  All the females started gathering together.  Lisa looked up for some reason and there was a hawk flying overhead.  

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.

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