Monday, April 18, 2016

Have you ever tasted?

Newest jelly - Strawberry/Banana Jam.  Wow!  I have never been a great jam and jelly fan.  Loved to make it but not a must have food.  Until lately.  There is so much more than plain grape jelly.  That is what I was fed growing up.  

Last week someone asked my daughter to make a cake with Strawberry/Banana filling.  So we started looking for a recipe for jam for the filling.  Found it on the Kraft website and made it today.  The cake is going to be great.  The jam is great. 

Went and got more cement blocks today.  Only need 19 more to get the two block high level.  That means at least 2 more trips to my son's to get blocks.  Our goal this year is 2 blocks high.  Maybe 3 high next year.  Sure will save my back and knees to have such a nice raise beds.  

Also went on a shopping spree.  Got some more asparagus, and strawberries.  The poor asparagus that I got from my daughter's garden had a rough time as the chickens kept uncovering the roots. Had to have more strawberries for that strawberry bed that I enlarged.  Also brought 3 rhubarb plants.  It is hard to find in the store.  Last year my daughter-in-law went to a specially store on her way home from work to get me some.  This year I just happened into Kroger's and was able to get some.  The produce manager said it is a seasonal item and when they do get some it is gone within the day that it comes in.  So I will grow my own. 

Hope you had a good day. 

Did you know?   The redder the rhubarb stalk, the sweeter the taste.

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