Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Moving right along

Got a couple of projects finished today.  Finished mulching the orchard with wood chips.  It looks so good.  The weeds were coming back.

The load of compost is completely unloaded.  Still need more but it is suppose to rain for a week or so.  Think we will wait til it stops.  The compost is heavy to begin with and then it gets heavier when it is wet.

Got wood chips around the rhubarb and strawberries also.

Nothing too exciting around here today. The mother duck has decided to take over the small chicken coop.  Last night one of hens that normally sleeps in there ended up sleeping with the baby chicks because Mama duck won't let her into the small coop.  Tonight I was a little late closing coops.  The recovering rooster (Big Boy), and both the hens had been allowed into the small coop but Mama duck (Lucki) has her corner with her eggs.  Guess I don't have enough ducks.   The other Mama duck's (Silver) eggs should be hatching any day now.  Last count there were 7 eggs in her nest.

Wait it never stays calm here for long.

Did you know? Asia is the home to 7 out of the 10 most populated cities in the world.

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