Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Planting time

Got some garden time in this morning.  Planted the asparagus and strawberries that I brought yesterday.  Daughter is sick so I took her children to school and stopped on the way home and brought some brussel sprouts (which have been planted also). Planted some sunflower seeds that we harvested last fall and some dill seeds that I harvested 2 years ago.  We will see how successful that is.

Jelly and Jam time came next.  Made some coffee jelly.  That is for all my customers that are coffee lovers or know someone that is a coffee lover.  Not too bad tasting.

Went to cub scouts and T-ball game after supper.  At cub scouts Aiden received awards for the work he has done.  The weblos crossed over the bridge to boy scouts.  It was a nice ceremony.  It made me think about how so my two younger grandsons are going to  leave their boyhood and become young men.  After cub scouts Aiden and I went to Stewardsville where my other grandson was having a T-ball game.  We were too late to see him play.  Just before we got to the field a lady coming up the path from the game told us the game had just ended.  We said hi to everyone and headed home.  At least he knew we tried.

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  Three important Eagle Scouts all have names beginning with “A.” The first Eagle Scout is Arthur Eldred (1912) of Long Island, New York; the 1 millionth Eagle (1982) is Alexander Holsinger of Normal, Illinois; and the 2 millionth Eagle (2009) is Anthony Thomas of Lakeville, Minnesota. 

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