Friday, April 8, 2016

Jelly Anyone?

Finally feel like I accomplished something.  

Made jelly today.  The ones to the right are Strawberry Jelly.  The ones above are a blend of violets and lilac.  The picture below is Lilac Jelly. I will be selling them at the farmers markets this summer.  

Even had time to weave on the big loom today.  This item will be dishtowels for the market also.  I started them in November and am about 3" from finishing the first towel.  Should make about five towels before I get done.  Hopefully they will be done before the first craft show of the season which is April 23. 

I told you about the paste tomatoes coming up.  Think I have more than will fit into my garden.  Too bad I didn't get them started earlier.  I could have donated the extras to the Master Gardeners for their plant sale on April 30th in Bedford, VA.  It is our annual fund raising project. 

Hope tomorrow will go as smooth as today went. Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for the heart and effective against certain cancers. Cooked tomatoes are actually better for you than raw ones, as more beneficial chemicals are released. Tomatoes are also packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium.

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