Thursday, April 14, 2016

Orchard Project

Since I got the orchard weeded.  I have all of 6 trees in my orchard.  So it wasn't a huge job.  Now I can mulch it for the year.  

Made collars for around the base of the trees to keep the mulch off the base of the trees.  I had some old 6" plastic drain pipe that has been laying around for a couple of years.  I cut 12" pieces off it and then cut a slit down the side.  I put them around each tree.  

Now I have to take the wood chips that are in a pile on one side of the driveway and get them over to the orchard which is on the other side of the driveway.  My plan is to attach my small trailer to the lawn tractor.  Fill the trailer with wood chips and drive over to the orchard and dump the trailer and spread out the chips.  It will take several loads but sounds a lot easier than walking wheel barrow loads over.  I'll let you know how my plan works. 

Went  and got more cider blocks tonight.  My son has a pile of them on his property.  We can only bring 15 at a time because of the weight.  I figure about 2 or 3 more loads and we will have enough to finish the last section of the garden.  It is so much easier for me to work the garden if I don't have to get down on the ground and then try to get back up. 

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  If a homeowner chip pile contains lots of green wood, the center of the pile may become hot – but not hot enough to burn. A pile six feet tall and fifteen feet wide might give off a small plume of steam (condensed water vapor) on a chilly morning. Fortunately, though, steam is not the same as smoke.

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