Sunday, April 3, 2016

Wedding is over

The wedding is over so it is back to the crazy normal that we have in this household. 

My nephew's son was married on Saturday.  Beautiful wedding, beautiful bride what more could you ask for on a windy day.  

Think we spend more time coming and going than we did at the wedding.  The wedding was about 100 miles from my house.  My grandson ended up driving the entire way by himself.  He was suppose to be at my house at 7:30 a.m. so at 7:35 a.m. I called to find out where he was at.  Still in Farmville where he goes to college.  Farmville is 70 miles from my house in the wrong direction.  So he met us at the wedding. 

The kids did really good at the wedding.  We got over the reception hall early and they were able to get their energy out before a lot of people came in so that worked out really good.

One my five year old granddaughter caught the bouquet.  None of the big girls were even trying to catch it. None of the single guys were trying to catch the garter either.  In fact most of them had their hands in their pockets.

The cake was beautiful even if I am a little prejudice.  My youngest daughter make it.  She took cake decorating in high school.  She is trying to get into the cake business now.

Today was just a relaxing Sunday.  Went to early church services and then just bummed around until it was time to leave for my guild meeting.  Still trying to learn how to do inkle weaving.  The lady that taught the inkle weaving class was at the guild meeting and helped me some more.

We are in for round three of the sickness.  Aiden has a temperature and sore throat.  Off the to the doctor's tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a very pleasant day.

Did you know?  Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.

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