Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ducks eggs anyone?

Just got in from shutting up my animals for the night.  Took some time tonight as one of my ducks was missing.  I do a bed count every night.  Besides when you only have two black ducks it is easy to realize that one is missing.  Finally found her.  She had decided to sit on eggs in a rabbit nesting box that was stored next to the house.  If this keeps up I am going to have a lot of ducks. Going to have to do something about the location.  Not the safest location.  Because of the woods on three sides of my house there are a lot of creatures that like to feed at night.  That is why all my animals are locked up at night. So "pretty girl" is a tomorrow problem.  Too dark to do much tonight.

Pretty girl is standing in back of the dish of strawberry tops. She is black with a white head. 

Scout Sunday was at church today.  I wasn't surprised at the number of people in the congregation that had been scouts but there were actually 7 to 10 eagle scouts and one senior girl scout.  There was about 150 people there.  There was cake after wards and only 4 pieces were brought home and the cake served 50.  So I would say the day was well received.  It has been several years since the church had honored the scouts but Rev. Lord said he thinks we should have Scout Sunday every year now.  I was very proud of my two grandsons.  The boys recited the cub scout oath.  Logan wasn't shy or anything.  He stood up front and said it loud and clear. The rest of scouts was getting stage fright by the end of the oath.  

Hope everyone had as nice of day as I did.  

Did you know:  In 2013, service projects were conducted by more than 2.6 million youth members and more than 1 million volunteers

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