Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cake is finished

This  picture does not do the cake justice.  It is the latest my daughter created.  The bottom layer has variegated blue frosting.  The next layer has brown sand like coating and the top layer has a tiki hut on it.  

Busy day.  This morning I went to a 4-H event and helped judge presentations.  It was amazing the great job that the 10 and 11 years did.  Such great experience for them.  

Got another load of compost today.  Decided to expand the strawberry bed.  Quite a project. 

First I arranged bricks around a piece of black landscaping cloth.  Three bricks high. 

 Then I added a layer of hay for drainage and for future compost for the strawberries.  Just happen to have old hay setting along the side of my field.  

Next came the hard part.  Adding the compost to top of the bed.  As you can see I had a lot of help. 

Some of the animals said to heck with a small amount they went for the larger amount. They were eating the worms out of the soil. 

A little later a lady traveling from Richmond had a flat tire so she pulled into my driveway.  She called the friend that she was coming to visit and the friend's husband came over and changed the tire.  She didn't have a jack so loaned her one of mine. 

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday.

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