Thursday, April 7, 2016

And the week coninues on the same path

Another day where the day just didn't flow right.  

With it staying lighter later bedtime around here has become a nightmare.  The kids will not go to sleep and then in the morning it is exceptionally difficult to get them up and dressed for school. It is still light outside when they are suppose to go to bed and dark when they get up.  After school it is nothing but fighting because they are too tired.  I would like to enlist whoever thought of daylight savings time to come over to here and have them put children to bed.  I have been over an hour trying to convince two five-year olds that it is bedtime. Okay I am off my soap box.  It just is irritating to fight with them night after night.  

Sold some more eggs today.  It is really nice to be able to re-cope some of the money I put out for feed.  I love my feathered friends but they sure eat a lot.  

The paste tomato seeds sprouted today.  So did the marigolds.  I didn't have much hope that they would as the seeds were old and it isn't that warm in the basement where I have them.  

Still no violets for a second batch of jelly.  Maybe when it warms back up some more will bloom.  Going to transplant some over to my property so I have my own supply.  The blackberries seem real healthy.  The blueberries are ify.  One looks like something has been eating on it so I put a cage around it.  Hopefully I was fast enough.  

Hope your day went smoother than what my week has.  

Did you know?  We naturally feel tired at two different times of the day: about 2:00 AM and 2:00 PM. It is this natural dip in alertness that is primarily responsible for the post-lunch dip.

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