Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam

Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam my great accomplishment for the day. Made a batch of it today. I had never tasted it until a couple of years ago. It is far one of my most favorite. Hard to find the rhubarb. I use to have plants but don't anymore. Tried to buy some the other day but was told it is too early. Maybe next week. Other people must really like it as I sold out of it quickly last year.

Animals never crease to amaze me. My cat who is very aloof. Is laying on me purring. She usually only purrs when she is out of food. Checked about an hour ago and she had plenty. Acts like she just wants someplace to go to sleep.

I was late shutting up the chickens tonight. The three chickens that are off by themselves have a small house to sleep in. There are two hens with a rooster. Big Boy is still recovering from the dog attack. Anyway Big Boy sleeps in back of the hens. Tonight he must have heard me coming. He up standing up at the doorway. As soon as I spoke to him, he started moving back to his normal place. Think he was protecting his hens.

Got to work outside today. Which always helps my mood. It was a beautiful day just right for doing yard work. Weeded the orchard today. Pulled some grass out it which was soft and silky. Won't mind having a whole yard of it. It would be relaxing just to walk barefoot in it.

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? A healthy lawn can increase a home's value by up to 20%.

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