Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday, Monday

The day wasn't bad. Wasn't real good.  Always make a schedule for the day to keep me on track.  Didn't seem to work too good today.  Went to pick violets and lilacs for jelly and came home with lilacs only.  Scheduled de-stemming lilac later in the day then realized that I needed to do it while they were still very fresh so that changed the schedule.  Took longer than I had scheduled to plant and water the garden.  As I said it just didn't flow today.  

Got the baby chicks outdoors for a few hours today.  As you can see the older animals was real interested in what was making all that noise.  If the temperature didn't yoyo as bad as they have been I would put them outside all the time.  But one night is in the 50's and the next night it is down in the lower 30's.  They have feathers but not quite that many.

No dandelion jelly this year.  My daughter picked some for me and it took at least four hours to take the flower off the green part.  We got at least 95% of the green out.  Soaked them over night.  Strained them today.  The tea is green not yellow like it should be and it tastes bitter.  Which means we didn't get enough green out of the mixture.  Not willing to try again.  

Got a female duck sitting on eggs.  Should have new babies in about 20 days.  Duck eggs take about 30 days and then there are the 2 chicken eggs she is also sitting on.  They take about 20 days to hatch we are real curious to see  what she will do when the chicks hatch before the baby ducks.  She is a real protective mom and I am not about to try to take any of the eggs away from her. 

Hope you had a wonder day.

Did you know? A cow on a dairy farm drinks as much as 50 gallons of water daily.

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