Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sad Day

My prayers are sent today for my friend Jewel and her family.  They were eagerly awaiting the arrival of a daughter.  Eva was due the end of this month.  We received word today that she died.  Don't know what happened.  The lord must have needed a very special baby in heaven and she was chosen.  

Not a good day here either.  There was a crate in the baby chicks run which fell on one of the babies.  So now we only have nine.  We took down the fence dividing them from the two hens and a rooster and all went well.  No one got picked on.  

One of the female ducks invaded the pen.  "Lucki" decided the house that the 2 hens and the recovering rooster sleep in is now hers.  She kept biting the hens tonight when they tried to go to bed. Lucki has two eggs in the house.  Guess she thinks we need more ducks.  Interesting thing is that she wasn't sitting on the eggs, the rooster was.  She had laid them in his corner.   

Planted my green beans tonight.  It is suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow so decided it is a good time.  Our last frost day is in the middle of May so may end up having to cover them.  

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know?  Apple has more operating cash than the U.S. Treasury.

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