Monday, February 22, 2016

Full Moon

I know some people discount the effects of a full moon.  As a former teacher and as a grandmother living with three small children, I sure don't discount it.  I know that scientist discount the connection but most of the studies have been done using adults not children.

Ran into a deal today.  On Craigslist, there was an ad for free wood chips.  So I called.  The first load arrived today.  Have another load coming soon.  The tree cutting company is working in the area and wanted someplace to dump the wood chips.  I want the wood chips to mulch my orchard, berry patches and between the raised beds in my garden.  So a win win situation.  Last year I paid $15 a scoop for mulch.  There is at least 3 scoops in the pile of wood chips I got today. I know it isn't all one type of wood like you are suppose to get when you purchase mulch but the price is sure right.

Ran into another deal at Walmart.  The end of March, I am giving a bridal shower for my great nefew's bride to be.  Walmart had their Valentine items on sale for 75% off.  Had to be careful what I choose so it didn't say Happy Valentine's Day but was able to get some decorations for the shower.

Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day.

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