Monday, February 29, 2016

Had time for lunch with friends

Stage two finished.  Got the path between the blackberries and blueberries mulched.  Now to get the blackberries mulched and the third and final stage of that project will be completed.  Maybe tomorrow, it is suppose to another nice day.

Found some potatoes in the basement the other day that had sprouted.  Filled a couple tires and planted them today.  Had to put a wire cage around the top of the tires so the ducks and chickens won't eat the sprouts.  

Added some more blocks to the center raised bed in the garden.  Only 15 blocks short of having enough.  Going to use the bed for green beans.  My customers at the farmer's market really like dilly beans.  I like canned green beans for the winter so hope to get a lot of them. 

Dream come true.  One stove in the basement to make jelly on and another one (a gas one at that) for upstairs. I have cooked on a gas stove for over 50 years and the electric stove was real challenge.  Was getting real used to eating burned food till Lisa moved in.  She took over the cooking detail real fast. She doesn't like burned food.  Told her she would get used to it but she didn't agree.    The gas one was finally installed this afternoon.  So I can good food again.  

Seems like I got a lot done today and even had time to go out to lunch with some friends.  

Did you know? What is called a french kiss in English speaking world is known an English kiss in France.

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