Thursday, February 11, 2016

On Order

Got a new stove on order today.  Should be delivered on Monday, weather permitting.  Saw a post on facebook today of a ground hog holding a sign that said "I lied".  From the sounds of the current weather report he sure did.  Either Sunday or Monday we are suppose to be getting frozen stuff.  Either ice or snow or a mixture.  Spring temperatures in the high 60's and low 70's is what I am looking forward to.  Keep seeing robins in the yard so one of these days soon I should get my wish.

Four year olds can be so cute (I have two currently living with me).  They decided that they needed measure to see if they had grown.  The first one was measured and she had grown about 1/2 inch. When the second one was measured she had not grown since the last time.  She said, "that is because I go to the bathroom alot."  Where that came from we have no idea.

All three kids are eagerly looking forward to their valentine parties at school tomorrow.  The oldest who is in the second grade has a dance.  He isn't real sure about that part as he has never been to a dance.  He is looking forward to the treats that follow the dance.

Have a day.

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