Sunday, February 7, 2016

Interesting Day

Finally got to go to church.  Between my trips to Michigan for my Mother and being sick myself, It has been 2 months since I have been able to attend.

Decided to make meatloaf, and scalloped potatoes for supper.  Turned the oven on to preheat. Oh my gosh!  The smell was unbearable.  Just before my trips to Michigan we caught a small mouse in the kitchen.  It was living under the stove. Must be there were more than the one that we caught.  We ended up taking the stove out to the yard.

Thank goodness for a toaster oven.  Didn't get to make the meatloaf but the potatoes came out great.

Glad my daughter decided to bake cakes at her husband's apt. this weekend.  She is making a wedding cake for one of her cousins. The wedding is at the beginning of April.  At the cake testing today, we got to try a white chocolate cake, and a devil's food cake with white chocolate butter cream frosting and fondue frostings.  The white chocolate cake with butter cream frosting won hands down.  Our next challenge making white butter.

I have made butter in the past so it isn't a great challengne.  The price of cream sky rocketed so I quit.  Even have a hand churn and an electric one. The white part is the real challenge.  Home made butter is not as yellow as what you buy from the store but it isn't white either.  Read on the internet that goat's cream produces a white butter.  So the challegne will be to find goat cream.

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