Tuesday, February 2, 2016

More Progress

Progress is being made. My cold seems to be getting better.

The garden is starting to take shape.  My daughter and I are moving the garden so that it can be fenced to keep the chickens and ducks out.  The beds will be raised so better soil can be placed in them.  Bedford Co. red clay isn't the best for raising vegetables.

Over the summer my daughter created compost bins and now it is paying off as there is compost for the new raised beds.  One bed is complete and there is still compost to be used.  We even planted asparagus in part the new bed.  Had to fence off the top of that part of the garden to keep the ducks and chickens from unplanting the roots.

Tires are in place ready to start potatoes next month. Just needs a little compost and we will be ready to go.  Still have to build the center bed and another L shape bed.

Worked in the garage this afternoon.  There are actually large spaces of concrete in it.  Does your garage ever get so cluttered that you can bearly walk in it.  Amazing what you find in one that you clean.  Moved two years ago and found boxes that were never unpacked.

Even got the rest of the fringe on a Virginia Tech shawl.  Next is the top edge and a wash job and it will be ready to sale.

Hope you are having a wonderful week.

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