Friday, February 12, 2016

Just one of those days

Ever have one of those days where you get nothing done but you planned to get a lot done.  Got up had a long list of things to get done and most of them didn't happen.  Think the last straw was when I opened the dishwasher after supper.  I was going to unload it then load it and have a clean kitchen in the morning.  One of my favorite glass cups had explosed in the dishwasher.  Glass everywhere.  So my son-in=law helped me clean it out as best as we could and then ran the dishwasher empty to get the rest.  So I loaded the old dishes back in the dishwasher and washed them again to get the glass off them.  No clean kitchen.  And the project I planned to do after dinner didn't get done eithe.

Will leave you on a happy note.  My daughter came in from the grocery store with a beautiful plant for Valentines Day the later m y son-in-law brought me candy and roses for Valentine Day.  So there was a bright spots in the day.

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