Saturday, February 13, 2016

Quiet Day

The day seemed real quiet even with lots of people in the house.  The kids played video games and watched a movie.  My daughter and husband, son and wife all had plans for a valentine evening and grandma got all four kids.  Can't complain they have been good and they are all in bed.

The animals have been slow moving also.  Maybe the cold weather. It was 9 degrees last time I checked.  They were so funny.  After feeding and watering them, they followed LK and I back to the house and into the breezeway.  Guess they thought they would just spend the day with us.

Cat doesn't like the cold weather either.  Did I say the kids are in bed.  Well one just came to me and complained about the cat.  Seems she was playing in the plant on the nightstand and making lots of noise.  Went into the bedroom and sure enough here is the cat in the plant.Didn't want to be taken out either.

Do you know?  In 1913 milk cost 36 cents a gallon in 2013 it cost $3.53.

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