Saturday, February 27, 2016

Stage 1 complete

Blueberries are all mulched for the year.  The wood chip pile is a lot smaller.  Was going to post pictures but it was almost dark so no pictures today.  Took all day.  Had to take a lot of breaks.  Bright spot is the daffodils I planted along the edge last fall are coming up.  Spring must be close.  The robins were back today also.

Next is the path between the blueberries and the blackberries.  After that it is the blackberries.  Hopefully will have all three projects will be done next week.

Had a nice surprise today.  My grandson stopped by for a hug on his way back to college from visiting his father.

Gave his a couple of dozen eggs.  Went out to the hen house right afterwards and brought in a dozen.  That is the most I have ever got in one day.

Overall it has been a real good day.  It is so nice to be able to get out of the house and not freeze to dead.  Supposedly the next few days are suppose to be nice.

Do you know?  Do are more likely to die from a falling coconuts that from a shark attack.

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