Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lazy day

Planted part of the garden yesterday and it wore me out.  It was fun though.  Had 3 children helping.  One of which must have thought I needed a shower.  She is only 4 and wasn't the most careful person to have with a water hose.  Planted peas, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.

Started with 6 broccoli plants but the ducks ate three right after we planted them.  Since we have not put up the garden fence to keep the ducks and chickens out, the idea was to plant the vegetables then put up a barrier to keep the chickens and ducks off the small portion of garden that we had planted. Didn't work the ducks were faster than we were.  Oh well, maybe the plants will survive with only one or two leaves left.

Not sure how many pea seeds are left either.  The chickens got to them off and on while we were  planting other vegetables.  The girl with the hose was suppose to be scaring them away but she was too busy spraying me.  At least it was me and not her sister or brother.  Have to look on the bright side of these things.

Stayed inside today.  It cooled down a lot from yesterday's temperatures and the wind was blowing.  Got some paperwork done.  Made peanut butter cookies. Only 4 ingredients and they are good, surprisingly.  Cleaned out some of the refrigerator.  Played on the computer some. Just a lazy day.

Did you know?  Beans increase flatulence because they carry a type of sugar called "oligosaccharides", which are hard for bacteria to break down, so they release gas in the process.

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