Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring is here

The cherry tree is blossoming.  The daffodils are opening up.  The blackberries have green leaves on them.  Spring must be here. 

The red potatoes are coming up.  Had some potatoes that were sprouting in the potato bin so they were planted today.  Tried to buy some seed potatoes today but the farm supply store only had bags of them which is way too many for the small space I have.  Saturday I am going into Salem and I know a place where I can buy just a couple of potatoes.  

The peas are really coming up.  If I can keep the chickens from eating them I might actually have peas.  Fresh peas are one of my favorite foods.  

Got 6 bales of straw today for one section of the garden.  Need 12 more to fill the area.  You wet them down real good for 3 days and then add nitrogen and more water.  After 2 weeks you have a garden bed.  It is even up higher so you don't have to bend way over to get to the garden.  

Planned a delightful dinner tonight.  Anyway the kids thought so.  Corn beef, green mashed potatoes, fried cabbage, and green deviled eggs.  Just added green food coloring to the potato water as the potatoes cooked.  Cooked the eggs normally, peeled them, cut them in half, remove the yolk, and dropped the whites in water w/food coloring.  Then made them into deviled eggs. 

The kids really seem to enjoy the day.  The leprechauns left foot prints in the classroom.  A's green hat was on the flag when the class came back from lunch.  The girls were excited because by eating something (we can't figure out what the teachers gave them) they got magical powers. E got the power to walk fast.  She was so excited, she would all of a sudden say what me walk fast. 

Hope everyone had a fun filled St. Patrick's Day. 

Did you know?  Potatoes are vegetables but they contain a lot of starch (carbohydrates) that make them more like rice, pasta and bread in terms of nutrition

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