Thursday, March 24, 2016

Did I accomplish anything

Busy day.  Started about 5 am and ended about 8 pm.  Don't feel I really accomplished anything.  Feed and put cat outside (she is the reason I was up so early).  Researched my trip to my grandson's graduation in Wyoming.  Got kids off to school. Took daughter over to mechanics to drop off her car.  Brought her home.  Went to 2 hour master gardener's meeting. Shopped for food for Easter Dinner.  Dropped off groceries.  Picked up 7 year old grandson from school.  Took daughter to pick up her car.  Picked up 8 year old grandson from son's house. Went out to feed, water and close up animals.  Watered straw bales, garden and new cherry tree. Did I really get anything accomplished?

Did you know? National Sleep Foundation Recommends:
  • Adults (26-64): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours
       Can you tell I am tired.

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