Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four year olds, you have to love them but.....

New toothbrushes were brought today because last night after they had brushed their teeth, two little girls decided that their toothbrushes were dirty so they proceded to wash them with hand soap and scrub them really good. So new ones were brought.  Well they light up for one minute to teach how long to brush your teeth.  That made them a toy, right.  Didn't think so when I was out in the front yard with a flashlight looking for one of them.  It was finally located in the playroom. 

They have a new favorite activity.  At church on Wednesday night, they are allowed to play with shaving cream.  They come home with really clean hands. 

Tomorrow is the big day. The girls turn 5.  They got to pick the dinner menu.  We are having popcorn shrimp,and perogies, So it is cake tomorrow, another one on Friday when their other grandma comes and then another on Saturday when they have their kids party.

Did you know?  Babies have more bones than grown-ups. You’re born with about 300 bones, but when you’re grown up you end up with around 260. What happens? As you get older some of your small bones grow together into big ones.

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