Thursday, March 3, 2016


Is it going to snow enough to cancel school or just enough to delay it or not enough to worry about?  That is the question everyone wants answered. Can't decide what I want the answer to be.

It was snowing about 7:30 pm when I went out to close up the chicken and duck coops. Not enough to tell how much snow we are actually going to get.

Already delayed the Master Foods classes for tomorrow by 2 hours.  Which really throws off our schedule.  We have to get 30 hours of training in somehow.

Have a funeral to attend tomorrow night.  The weather system is suppose to come in tonight. Dump the snow and then tomorrow warm up to in the 50's.  By tomorrow night when I have to drive 30 miles one way to a funeral the roads should be fine. One of my Eastern Star sisters pasted away and we are doing the Eastern Star funeral rites for her.  They were done at my Mom's funeral and they are beautiful.

Spent the morning doing Master Gardening meetings, had lunch with a friend and came home bummed out because of the change in the weather.

Did you know? Every winter, at least one septillion (that's 1 followed by 24 zeros) snow crystals fall from the sky.

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