Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter

Started the day the right way.  Went to Sunrise Services.  Haven't been to a Sunrise Service since I was in high school.  Have really been missing something great.

The family came over for a late lunch.  Not quite as many as we have had in years past.  Only 11 this year.  My daughter made the cutest little bunny cake for lunch.  Even the ears were made out of cake. Everyone seem to get enough to eat and had fun playing with the young ones.  Only had 120 Easter Eggs to find.  Sure didn't take long even the adults got into the game. 

Got a great Easter present.  Better than a basket full of candy.  My grandson brought me a trailer full of composed cow manure.  Hope to get some of it into the garden tomorrow.  Suppose to rain in the a.m. but clear off in the afternoon. 

The garden is doing great.  The asparagus is coming up.  The peas are looking real good.  We got one of the paths finished with landscaping cloth and wood chips.  The center garden is finished and ready for my Easter present. The center of that garden will be green beans.  The cinder blocks around the outside will be planted with onions, garlic, radishes, horseradish, and other small size vegetables. 

 Looking forward to all the help I will be getting next week.  Spring Break.  IM started today.  She came out and helped me feed the aminals. Some of the chicken and the ducks even let her pet them.

Hope everyone had a relaxing and wonderful Easter as I did. 

Did you know?  The pigments in the outer layer of the eggshell will always approximate the color of the earlobe of the chicken that laid the egg.

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