Monday, March 14, 2016

Tough Day

This has been a real stressful day.  

Twins are in Head Start pre-school.  Normally they take the bus to and from school.  Well for whatever reason, this morning none of the alarms went off and I woke up about 20 minutes before school started.  So clothes were thrown on the children.  Bookbags found and a lunch was packed in about 10 minutes and everyone was loaded into the car and driven to school.  They got there just as the bell was ringing. 

A couple of hours later my daughter got a call and was told E had gotten knocked down by another student but other than a bruise seemed to be ok.  And that until further notice she would have to take and pick up the girls from school.  For whatever reason the bus aide no longer works for the school and with out one the Head Start children can not ride the bus. 

I had volunteered to work the Master Gardener help desk so I had to go to another town.  Was headed home about 2 pm so decided to go straight to the school to get in line to pick up the kids.  As I was passing the house I saw a dog walking down the driveway.  Not a good sign. I called  my daughter who was on her way home from an errand and told her to check the animals as soon as she got home. 

Not a pretty sight from what I was told.  The dog had killed 4 hens, and 3 or 4 ducks (we can't find one duck  but she might be hiding).  He had tore the tail feathers off one of the roosters and beat up one of the male ducks real bad.  I called animal control and the dog actually came back while they were here.  They managed to catch him and took him away.  Felt bad as I am sure he is someone's pet but the animals that he killed were my pets.

Pretty Boy's wounds have been cleaned and treated. He is currently in a tub in the kitchen with a towel over him.  He is drinking water so that is a positive thing.  He has one really bad spot on his back, a bad but not as bad spot under his wing and several small spots.  He normally does not want to be touched.  Tonight he leans into you if you touch him.  Doesn't seem to mind being held or cuddled.  Poor thing.

Grandson saw the police here when he was coming home from work so he came over to make sure we were all okay.  He said he was woke up this morning about 5:30 am by the police.  Some guy stole the neighbors truck and drove it though the fence on the property and tore up the field pretty bad.  They caught him but now the fence has to replaced.  

Did you know? Although relatively silent, the male muscovy duck produces a low hissing sound and the female has a short, weak "quack."

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