Sunday, March 13, 2016

Made it through the weekend

Well I made it through the weekend.  I wondered at times if I would.  Too much activity.  Guess I need to learn to say NO.  

Started Thursday.  The twins' birthday.  Not too bad of a day.  

Friday:  Master Foods class until 4 pm.  Family birthday dinner for the girls.  We had 10 people for dinner.  Still not too bad.

Saturday:  "Grow the Good Life" seminar for Master Gardeners until about 5 pm.  I was getting wore out.  Of course, the time to change this weekend.  AM fell out of bed about 4 am.  and I was up with him for about half hour.  Got him back to sleep when the cat decided she had to be feed at 5 pm.  Went back to bed and AM had gotten woke up by the cat also and he couldn't go back to sleep.  Well about 6 am (remember this is my old 5 am), I gave up and got up.  

Sunday:  Shower and a couple of cups of coffee and I am ready to go.  Went out took care of the animals and checked the garden.  Peas are actually coming up!!!!! I had almost given up on them.  Then it is off to Salem.  Had made arrangement with a friend to meet her for church and then lunch.  After lunch, went to my weaving guild meeting.  LM met me there and we went to the Chinese Restaurant in Vinton.  LB's joined us there.  Then off to the grocery store and then home.  Long but good day.  

Needless to say I am tired.  

Did you know?  Although he made his mark by introducing Christianity to Ireland in the year 432, Patrick wasn’t Irish himself. He was born to Roman parents in Scotland or Wales in the late fourth century.

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