Monday, March 7, 2016

New family members

Got new family members today.  Went early this morning and brought 10 chicks. Had to go early as the kids wanted to pick out the chicks and if we waited until after school they would have been gone.  So at 7:15 this morning we are at the store with 3 little children buying chicks.  Then we dropped the kids off at school.  We got 3 Black Australorps, 4 Araucanas (also known as Easter Eggers as they lay green and blue eggs) and 3 Rhode Island Reds.  They are so cute. 

Worked at the county extension office for about 3 hours today so didn't get much done around the house.  For the Master Gardener program, the first year you have to volunteer 50 hours, six of which has to be on the help desk.  Citizens can call in with their gardening questions and the master gardeners research the answer.  For example a gentleman has some type of insect on an evergreen tree.  The lady I was working with knew what it was as soon as he described it and she researched and found out how he should treat it.  Anyway, today I got two more hours in so I only have two more help desk hours and about 6 other hours.  Not worried about the 6 hours since I am going to help with "Grow the Good Life" seminar this weekend.

Did you know? Brown eggshell colors are deposited on the outside of the shell, while blue goes throughout the shell, even on the inside.

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