Sunday, March 20, 2016

Can:t believe it

Thursday is the only day this week that has something on the calendar.. Usually at least 4 days have something is going on.  Most of the time it is more like 6 days out of the week.  Not complaining I can assure you.  

Had a bridal shower for my great nephew's future wife today.  Not too many people showed but I think it was a success anyways. Sure am tired though. Wedding is in two weeks. 

Looks like the rooster that was attacked by the dog is going to be okay.  Doesn't have any tail feathers but....
Yesterday morning, I opened his coop (we have put him in a pen away from the other roosters because they were attacking him after the dog pulled out his tail feathers) and then went on about my chores and noticed he had not come out.  Worried I went back in his pen and lifted the roof to the coop (it is a small coop).  He looked up at me as if to say "It is cold out there".  He stayed in most of the day.  Today he was back out moving around the pen which is a good sign. 

Did you know?  Today is the March equinox which marks the moment  the Sun crosses the celestial equator-the imaginary line in the sky above the  Earth's equator - from south to north. Happy Spring. 

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