Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Not a good time of year

Don't get me wrong, I love spring.  It's what comes with it that I detest.  Income taxes!  Had to do my mother's this year.  Really, I had a CPA do them.  I still had to gather all the paperwork not an easy task.  Had to write and call all types of people, like doctors and pharmacies, to find out what her medical expenses were.  Then had to email all the information to Michigan to the CPA.  All in all it was a big headache.  Spent another two hours working on it today.  Think I am finished.  We sent them in anyway.  One to IRS and one to Michigan.  The real discouraging thing is next I have my own taxes to get done.

Then another two hours doing some of my paperwork and some more of hers.  I do not like to do paper work.  It is spring and a beautiful day, I wanted to be outside.

Did get to do a little outside.  Got my new cherry tree planted.  In another 2 years all the hard work that has gone into the orchard should start to be paid back. Been here two years and part of my dream for the place is starting to get done.  The orchard, blueberries, and blackberries are in and growing.  Did have to replace one cherry tree that did not make it.

Chickens seem to be recovering from the attack.  Turned back on the electric fence thinking that would keep the chickens in the yard area.  That did not work they were out yesterday and today.  Clipped wings on 4 chickens yesterday.  That did not work either. They were back out today.  They don't go far and come back at night.  It is just that the ones that got killed were on the outside of the fence.

Can you see the kitty in the picture? She blends in with the floor really good.  She is visiting while we take the burrs out of her fur.  She lives at my grandson's. She is an outside cat and burrs love long hair kitties. We got some of them out.  Haven't introduced her to my cat.  Snowy is not very friendly so we are keeping them separated.

Did you know? Saint Patrick himself would have to deal with pinching on his feast day. His color was “Saint Patrick’s blue,” a light shade. The color green only became associated with the big day after it was linked to the Irish independence movement in the late 18th century.

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