Sunday, March 6, 2016

Small things

Small things can really change the course of a day.  A church meeting that ran a little long, someone driving 45 instead of 55 on a curvy road so you can't pass and the gas gauge reading empty so you have to stop for gas.  All put together spells very late for a meeting.  So decided to turn around and come home.

May not have been what I planned to do but did get to spend one on one time with a very delightful grandson.  We watered the garden, planted some seeds, put a sweet potato in a glass of water to sprout, and prepared a warm environment for some chicks, we are buying tomorrow. Not too bad of a way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Update on baby goats.  Mommy didn't like this one.  So guess who is a bottle fed baby.  Wish I was in Michigan so I could help.  She looks so precious.  Her brother is named Logan after one of my grandsons.  A, the grandson that lives with me named him.

Talking about grandsons, it is a good thing that I am a loving grandmother because no one else would put up with the two youngest grandsons after what they pulled in the last 24 hours.  Youngest grandson came to spend the night. All was going good.  Fed them supper, everyone spent time reading, and all took turns getting showers then to bed. That was about 7:30.  Well, about 9:30 we discovered that the two boys had gotten out of bed and were playing with glow sticks and other toys.  Then about 5 am, I woke up to noises in the house.  Found the boys had gotten back out of bed and were playing again.  They said they had gotten up about 4 am.  Needless to say they were wired.  Neither one of them behaved in Sunday School.  We didn't even try to take them to church services.  So now they are both are grounded from electronic devices for a week.

Got the grow station fixed today.  Both sets of lights are working.  Have tomato plants from the Master Gardener's lab the other week up about an 1" tall.  The other plants are looking good also.  Baby goats, baby plants, Spring must be here.

Did you know?  Goats discovered coffee!  Apparently in Ethiopia a goat herder saw goats behaving more actively and energetically after eating from a particular bush.  He then tried it himself and felt uplifted, awake and full of energy.

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