Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Solved the picture problem

The camera has mysteriously reappeared.  Have no idea where it was or how it got on the stand beside the chair.  Really don't care just happy to have it back.  With three small children living in the house things move around.  Have a few things planned for tomorrow but hopefully I will be able to get some garden pictures to share tomorrow.

Went over to my son's house today and picked up cinder blocks.  Think I have enough to finish the last back wall of the gardens.  The fence seems to discourage the animals from going into the garden so I took the protective barriers down.  The peas are really doing great.  Still only three asparagus but it is a start. 

 Have one set of potatoes in the tires are ready for another tire.  As the plants get tall enough you add another tire and dirt on top.  Then the potatoes are formed in one tall column.  In the fall, you just remove the tires one by one and harvest the potatoes.  No digging.  Sounds great hope it works.  

The violets are starting to bloom.  We picked enough for the first batch of jelly tomorrow.  Had to go to two patches to find enough but we did.  It take a lot of violets to make 2+ cups.  

Didn't get as much as I wanted to get done but did get a few things off my list.  Slept in until 7:30 a.m. and that shortened my by day by a couple of hours.  

Hope you had a wonderful day.

Did you know?  Recent studies reveal that chocolate can effectively fight against tooth decay.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lots of help

Got a lot of help today.  All three kids worked real hard.  My daughter unloaded that big trailer of compost all by herself. 

 My grandson fixed a strawberry bed for me.  First he put down landscaping cloth then he carried bricks and stacked them around the edge.  Next came a layer of hay then he helped his mother fill the bed with compost off the trailer.  Not bad for an eight year old.  The girls and I went down and brought strawberry plants so that is a completed project. 

Yesterday, we started taking the cinder blocks from around the herb garden and placing them in the vegetable garden.  Today I finished moving the rest of them.  I put two layers of bricks where the cinder blocks were.  Makes a much nicer looking herb garden up next to the house which is also brick.  There were some garlic bulb laying out in the garden so I planted them also.  

Planted potatoes and red onions today. Still have to plant the yellow onions tomorrow and then start some seeds inside.  Still too early to plant somethings outside but I can still get them started in the house. 

After we got the potatoes and onions planted and the compost in the garden we took some used chicken wire and created a fence (sorta anyway).  Boy did that make the chickens and ducks mad.  They really told us about not being able to get into the area.  They had been eating worms all day out of the compost.  

The baby chicks are really growing.  Funny looking as their feathers start coming in.  Should be able to put them outside in another week.  At least during the day when it is warm.  I have a cage that my niece made last fall when she was here that is designed just for that purpose.  It protects them from the large chickens but lets them to be around them. 

Did you know?  The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world in a lifetime.

Happy Easter

Started the day the right way.  Went to Sunrise Services.  Haven't been to a Sunrise Service since I was in high school.  Have really been missing something great.

The family came over for a late lunch.  Not quite as many as we have had in years past.  Only 11 this year.  My daughter made the cutest little bunny cake for lunch.  Even the ears were made out of cake. Everyone seem to get enough to eat and had fun playing with the young ones.  Only had 120 Easter Eggs to find.  Sure didn't take long even the adults got into the game. 

Got a great Easter present.  Better than a basket full of candy.  My grandson brought me a trailer full of composed cow manure.  Hope to get some of it into the garden tomorrow.  Suppose to rain in the a.m. but clear off in the afternoon. 

The garden is doing great.  The asparagus is coming up.  The peas are looking real good.  We got one of the paths finished with landscaping cloth and wood chips.  The center garden is finished and ready for my Easter present. The center of that garden will be green beans.  The cinder blocks around the outside will be planted with onions, garlic, radishes, horseradish, and other small size vegetables. 

 Looking forward to all the help I will be getting next week.  Spring Break.  IM started today.  She came out and helped me feed the aminals. Some of the chicken and the ducks even let her pet them.

Hope everyone had a relaxing and wonderful Easter as I did. 

Did you know?  The pigments in the outer layer of the eggshell will always approximate the color of the earlobe of the chicken that laid the egg.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Did I accomplish anything

Busy day.  Started about 5 am and ended about 8 pm.  Don't feel I really accomplished anything.  Feed and put cat outside (she is the reason I was up so early).  Researched my trip to my grandson's graduation in Wyoming.  Got kids off to school. Took daughter over to mechanics to drop off her car.  Brought her home.  Went to 2 hour master gardener's meeting. Shopped for food for Easter Dinner.  Dropped off groceries.  Picked up 7 year old grandson from school.  Took daughter to pick up her car.  Picked up 8 year old grandson from son's house. Went out to feed, water and close up animals.  Watered straw bales, garden and new cherry tree. Did I really get anything accomplished?

Did you know? National Sleep Foundation Recommends:
  • Adults (26-64): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours
       Can you tell I am tired.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Animal Update

The baby animals are growing quickly.  The chicks are only two weeks old and are starting to get feathers.  The kids are loving the gated squares their mother created in the garage.  They climb into one and are given one or more chicks to hold, pet and love on.  

The baby goat all dressed in her sweater was giving her owner all kinds of trouble this weekend.  She was determined to eat the bird food. 

It looks like the rooster that lost his tail feathers in the fight with the dog is going to make it.  We have him isolated from the other roosters and are trying to get a hen or two to stay with him.  He is a barred rock so we have been putting barred rock hens in his pen but they keep jumping out (they jump out of their pen also just not into his).  This time I put a bluff orpington in yesterday and it is still there today so maybe I found a friend for him.  

It was so cute today.  Several of the hens in the backyard cuddled up to the fence dividing the two chicken yards and the buff cuddled up to the other side.  

Don't guess the newest cat, Sparkle, has any intention of leaving.  On one of my many trips through the breezeway the door did not latch and was standing partly open.  Sparkle had moved to her box and went to sleep.  

Got the first dose of nitrogen on the straw bales today.  You keep the bales watered for three days and then you start adding nitrogen and water for the next three days and then for the next six days you water each day and treat only every other day.  This starts the decomposing process.  Then you add a thin layer of dirt on top and plant into the straw bales.  Sounds really great if it works.  I have 6 bales I am trying it with this year.  If you are interested here is a real good link to read more

Had to cover my straw bales to keep the chickens out of the nitrogen.  So I pulled out some used landscaping cloth.  The piece was way to long for what I needed so I took the extra and started covering the pathway.  So then I needed something to hold it in place.  Took four wheelbarrels of wood chips to the garden.  All in all I got a nice start on that project. Funny how one thing leads to another.  

Saturday I took an inkle loom class.  Our homework was to do another project before the second Sunday in April.  Izzy has been sick with an ear infection for a few days so her mom, brother, and sister went to church without us tonight.  The two of us dressed the loom.  Dressing the loom means that you put on the strings you are going to weave through on the loom.  There are a lot of knots you have to tie when you dress an inkle loom and Izzy's five year old tiny finger came in real handy to hold the first part of the knot tight when I was tying the second part.  

Been a busy but relaxing day.  Hope you had a good day.

Did you know? In their first year of life, baby blue whales gain 200 pounds (91 kg) every day?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Can:t believe it

Thursday is the only day this week that has something on the calendar.. Usually at least 4 days have something is going on.  Most of the time it is more like 6 days out of the week.  Not complaining I can assure you.  

Had a bridal shower for my great nephew's future wife today.  Not too many people showed but I think it was a success anyways. Sure am tired though. Wedding is in two weeks. 

Looks like the rooster that was attacked by the dog is going to be okay.  Doesn't have any tail feathers but....
Yesterday morning, I opened his coop (we have put him in a pen away from the other roosters because they were attacking him after the dog pulled out his tail feathers) and then went on about my chores and noticed he had not come out.  Worried I went back in his pen and lifted the roof to the coop (it is a small coop).  He looked up at me as if to say "It is cold out there".  He stayed in most of the day.  Today he was back out moving around the pen which is a good sign. 

Did you know?  Today is the March equinox which marks the moment  the Sun crosses the celestial equator-the imaginary line in the sky above the  Earth's equator - from south to north. Happy Spring. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Another project completed

The new Master Foods Volunteers graduated today.  The program is though the County Extension Dept.  from Virginia Tech. University.  As volunteers we assist and conduct programs to get the latest research information out to the public.  We have a lot of neat projects coming up.  As an example of what we  do, we are going to go to two farmer's markets and assist with 4-H camp.  Last year, eight of us were trained and this year we added another eight.  So glad to have some additional help.  

Schacht Inkle LoomGot everything laid out for the inkle loom workshop that I am attending tomheTorrow. Had the loom for over a year and have never used it.  It is used to weavebelts, headbands, guitar straps, dog collars, leashs.   Long narrow items.  The lady teaching the class has made some beautiful things. The loom sits on the table. 

Hope you had a good day. 

Did you know?  There are more chickens in the world than people. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring is here

The cherry tree is blossoming.  The daffodils are opening up.  The blackberries have green leaves on them.  Spring must be here. 

The red potatoes are coming up.  Had some potatoes that were sprouting in the potato bin so they were planted today.  Tried to buy some seed potatoes today but the farm supply store only had bags of them which is way too many for the small space I have.  Saturday I am going into Salem and I know a place where I can buy just a couple of potatoes.  

The peas are really coming up.  If I can keep the chickens from eating them I might actually have peas.  Fresh peas are one of my favorite foods.  

Got 6 bales of straw today for one section of the garden.  Need 12 more to fill the area.  You wet them down real good for 3 days and then add nitrogen and more water.  After 2 weeks you have a garden bed.  It is even up higher so you don't have to bend way over to get to the garden.  

Planned a delightful dinner tonight.  Anyway the kids thought so.  Corn beef, green mashed potatoes, fried cabbage, and green deviled eggs.  Just added green food coloring to the potato water as the potatoes cooked.  Cooked the eggs normally, peeled them, cut them in half, remove the yolk, and dropped the whites in water w/food coloring.  Then made them into deviled eggs. 

The kids really seem to enjoy the day.  The leprechauns left foot prints in the classroom.  A's green hat was on the flag when the class came back from lunch.  The girls were excited because by eating something (we can't figure out what the teachers gave them) they got magical powers. E got the power to walk fast.  She was so excited, she would all of a sudden say what me walk fast. 

Hope everyone had a fun filled St. Patrick's Day. 

Did you know?  Potatoes are vegetables but they contain a lot of starch (carbohydrates) that make them more like rice, pasta and bread in terms of nutrition

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Not a good time of year

Don't get me wrong, I love spring.  It's what comes with it that I detest.  Income taxes!  Had to do my mother's this year.  Really, I had a CPA do them.  I still had to gather all the paperwork not an easy task.  Had to write and call all types of people, like doctors and pharmacies, to find out what her medical expenses were.  Then had to email all the information to Michigan to the CPA.  All in all it was a big headache.  Spent another two hours working on it today.  Think I am finished.  We sent them in anyway.  One to IRS and one to Michigan.  The real discouraging thing is next I have my own taxes to get done.

Then another two hours doing some of my paperwork and some more of hers.  I do not like to do paper work.  It is spring and a beautiful day, I wanted to be outside.

Did get to do a little outside.  Got my new cherry tree planted.  In another 2 years all the hard work that has gone into the orchard should start to be paid back. Been here two years and part of my dream for the place is starting to get done.  The orchard, blueberries, and blackberries are in and growing.  Did have to replace one cherry tree that did not make it.

Chickens seem to be recovering from the attack.  Turned back on the electric fence thinking that would keep the chickens in the yard area.  That did not work they were out yesterday and today.  Clipped wings on 4 chickens yesterday.  That did not work either. They were back out today.  They don't go far and come back at night.  It is just that the ones that got killed were on the outside of the fence.

Can you see the kitty in the picture? She blends in with the floor really good.  She is visiting while we take the burrs out of her fur.  She lives at my grandson's. She is an outside cat and burrs love long hair kitties. We got some of them out.  Haven't introduced her to my cat.  Snowy is not very friendly so we are keeping them separated.

Did you know? Saint Patrick himself would have to deal with pinching on his feast day. His color was “Saint Patrick’s blue,” a light shade. The color green only became associated with the big day after it was linked to the Irish independence movement in the late 18th century.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sad day

Pretty Boy passed away today.  He was really hurt so I was not surprised.  Still very sad.  He definity had a personality.  

The season has started.  Mowed part of the lawn today.  Grass isn't that tall but the chives are.  It smelled like onions as I mowed.  Suppose to be either in the 80's or almost tomorrow.  Then this weekend it is suppose to cool off to the 40's.  Crazy weather.

Did you know? In Iceland, up until 1987 there was no television at all on Thursdays?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Tough Day

This has been a real stressful day.  

Twins are in Head Start pre-school.  Normally they take the bus to and from school.  Well for whatever reason, this morning none of the alarms went off and I woke up about 20 minutes before school started.  So clothes were thrown on the children.  Bookbags found and a lunch was packed in about 10 minutes and everyone was loaded into the car and driven to school.  They got there just as the bell was ringing. 

A couple of hours later my daughter got a call and was told E had gotten knocked down by another student but other than a bruise seemed to be ok.  And that until further notice she would have to take and pick up the girls from school.  For whatever reason the bus aide no longer works for the school and with out one the Head Start children can not ride the bus. 

I had volunteered to work the Master Gardener help desk so I had to go to another town.  Was headed home about 2 pm so decided to go straight to the school to get in line to pick up the kids.  As I was passing the house I saw a dog walking down the driveway.  Not a good sign. I called  my daughter who was on her way home from an errand and told her to check the animals as soon as she got home. 

Not a pretty sight from what I was told.  The dog had killed 4 hens, and 3 or 4 ducks (we can't find one duck  but she might be hiding).  He had tore the tail feathers off one of the roosters and beat up one of the male ducks real bad.  I called animal control and the dog actually came back while they were here.  They managed to catch him and took him away.  Felt bad as I am sure he is someone's pet but the animals that he killed were my pets.

Pretty Boy's wounds have been cleaned and treated. He is currently in a tub in the kitchen with a towel over him.  He is drinking water so that is a positive thing.  He has one really bad spot on his back, a bad but not as bad spot under his wing and several small spots.  He normally does not want to be touched.  Tonight he leans into you if you touch him.  Doesn't seem to mind being held or cuddled.  Poor thing.

Grandson saw the police here when he was coming home from work so he came over to make sure we were all okay.  He said he was woke up this morning about 5:30 am by the police.  Some guy stole the neighbors truck and drove it though the fence on the property and tore up the field pretty bad.  They caught him but now the fence has to replaced.  

Did you know? Although relatively silent, the male muscovy duck produces a low hissing sound and the female has a short, weak "quack."

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Made it through the weekend

Well I made it through the weekend.  I wondered at times if I would.  Too much activity.  Guess I need to learn to say NO.  

Started Thursday.  The twins' birthday.  Not too bad of a day.  

Friday:  Master Foods class until 4 pm.  Family birthday dinner for the girls.  We had 10 people for dinner.  Still not too bad.

Saturday:  "Grow the Good Life" seminar for Master Gardeners until about 5 pm.  I was getting wore out.  Of course, the time to change this weekend.  AM fell out of bed about 4 am.  and I was up with him for about half hour.  Got him back to sleep when the cat decided she had to be feed at 5 pm.  Went back to bed and AM had gotten woke up by the cat also and he couldn't go back to sleep.  Well about 6 am (remember this is my old 5 am), I gave up and got up.  

Sunday:  Shower and a couple of cups of coffee and I am ready to go.  Went out took care of the animals and checked the garden.  Peas are actually coming up!!!!! I had almost given up on them.  Then it is off to Salem.  Had made arrangement with a friend to meet her for church and then lunch.  After lunch, went to my weaving guild meeting.  LM met me there and we went to the Chinese Restaurant in Vinton.  LB's joined us there.  Then off to the grocery store and then home.  Long but good day.  

Needless to say I am tired.  

Did you know?  Although he made his mark by introducing Christianity to Ireland in the year 432, Patrick wasn’t Irish himself. He was born to Roman parents in Scotland or Wales in the late fourth century.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

No more babies

Well the last of the grandchildren have moved from being babies to small children.  The twins turned 5 today.  Exciting day for them and everyone around them. Presents today from Grandma.  Presents tomorrow from Mommie and Daddy.  Presents on Saturday from friends.

KM thinks she might have created a monster in only 5 short days.  What do you think?

But she has such a cute face.  Anyone for a house goat?

Was informed today that the time changes this weekend.  Ugh hate it when the time changes.  My body doesn't change with it .  It will take me weeks before I completely adjust.  Then it changes again.

Did you know? ACCORDING to research at Harvard University in 2012, September 16 is the most common birthday in the USA.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four year olds, you have to love them but.....

New toothbrushes were brought today because last night after they had brushed their teeth, two little girls decided that their toothbrushes were dirty so they proceded to wash them with hand soap and scrub them really good. So new ones were brought.  Well they light up for one minute to teach how long to brush your teeth.  That made them a toy, right.  Didn't think so when I was out in the front yard with a flashlight looking for one of them.  It was finally located in the playroom. 

They have a new favorite activity.  At church on Wednesday night, they are allowed to play with shaving cream.  They come home with really clean hands. 

Tomorrow is the big day. The girls turn 5.  They got to pick the dinner menu.  We are having popcorn shrimp,and perogies, So it is cake tomorrow, another one on Friday when their other grandma comes and then another on Saturday when they have their kids party.

Did you know?  Babies have more bones than grown-ups. You’re born with about 300 bones, but when you’re grown up you end up with around 260. What happens? As you get older some of your small bones grow together into big ones.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Busy Day

           Babies are doing great.  

 Went after more rock today.  The rock wall for the raised bed in the garden is coming along.  Made it to the corner today.  The area for the tomatoes is finished except for some more soil.  Going to wait a few days before we go after more rock.  Have to recover from today first.  

The mulch pile is really getting smaller.  Finished mulching the berries today and filling in some holes that are in the yard.  Next the rest of it will be smoothed out to fill in the indention that is in the side yard.  It is quite large so it will take a lot of mulch.  

Got the fruit trees pruned and sprayed today.  All in all a very busy day.  Even got some work inside the house done. 

Did you know?  "Facebook Addiction Disorder" is a mental disorder identified by Psychologist.

Monday, March 7, 2016

New family members

Got new family members today.  Went early this morning and brought 10 chicks. Had to go early as the kids wanted to pick out the chicks and if we waited until after school they would have been gone.  So at 7:15 this morning we are at the store with 3 little children buying chicks.  Then we dropped the kids off at school.  We got 3 Black Australorps, 4 Araucanas (also known as Easter Eggers as they lay green and blue eggs) and 3 Rhode Island Reds.  They are so cute. 

Worked at the county extension office for about 3 hours today so didn't get much done around the house.  For the Master Gardener program, the first year you have to volunteer 50 hours, six of which has to be on the help desk.  Citizens can call in with their gardening questions and the master gardeners research the answer.  For example a gentleman has some type of insect on an evergreen tree.  The lady I was working with knew what it was as soon as he described it and she researched and found out how he should treat it.  Anyway, today I got two more hours in so I only have two more help desk hours and about 6 other hours.  Not worried about the 6 hours since I am going to help with "Grow the Good Life" seminar this weekend.

Did you know? Brown eggshell colors are deposited on the outside of the shell, while blue goes throughout the shell, even on the inside.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Small things

Small things can really change the course of a day.  A church meeting that ran a little long, someone driving 45 instead of 55 on a curvy road so you can't pass and the gas gauge reading empty so you have to stop for gas.  All put together spells very late for a meeting.  So decided to turn around and come home.

May not have been what I planned to do but did get to spend one on one time with a very delightful grandson.  We watered the garden, planted some seeds, put a sweet potato in a glass of water to sprout, and prepared a warm environment for some chicks, we are buying tomorrow. Not too bad of a way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Update on baby goats.  Mommy didn't like this one.  So guess who is a bottle fed baby.  Wish I was in Michigan so I could help.  She looks so precious.  Her brother is named Logan after one of my grandsons.  A, the grandson that lives with me named him.

Talking about grandsons, it is a good thing that I am a loving grandmother because no one else would put up with the two youngest grandsons after what they pulled in the last 24 hours.  Youngest grandson came to spend the night. All was going good.  Fed them supper, everyone spent time reading, and all took turns getting showers then to bed. That was about 7:30.  Well, about 9:30 we discovered that the two boys had gotten out of bed and were playing with glow sticks and other toys.  Then about 5 am, I woke up to noises in the house.  Found the boys had gotten back out of bed and were playing again.  They said they had gotten up about 4 am.  Needless to say they were wired.  Neither one of them behaved in Sunday School.  We didn't even try to take them to church services.  So now they are both are grounded from electronic devices for a week.

Got the grow station fixed today.  Both sets of lights are working.  Have tomato plants from the Master Gardener's lab the other week up about an 1" tall.  The other plants are looking good also.  Baby goats, baby plants, Spring must be here.

Did you know?  Goats discovered coffee!  Apparently in Ethiopia a goat herder saw goats behaving more actively and energetically after eating from a particular bush.  He then tried it himself and felt uplifted, awake and full of energy.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Party dayou

Birthday party for 8 year old and LD my daughter-in-law.  Simple menu grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and chips. Cake and rootbeer floats.  Kids had lots of engery after that kind of lunch.

Got tickets for Ireland today.  Going in May.  Really looking forward to the trip.  Went with my niece two years ago and really enjoyed the tour we took but there are places we want to see and not be rushed so we are going on our own this time.

My niece's animal population increased today.  Twin baby goats.  I don't have the fencing for goats (they prefer outside of their yard than in it) or I would have some myself.  They are so cute to watch.

Threw some old radishes out for the animals today.  Amazingly  the chickens actually ate them.  Didn't have scratch for them this morning.  Boy, did I get told.  Don't think they are spoiled or anything.

Did you know?  Mother and kid goats recognise each other's calls soon after the mother give births.


Thursday, March 3, 2016


Is it going to snow enough to cancel school or just enough to delay it or not enough to worry about?  That is the question everyone wants answered. Can't decide what I want the answer to be.

It was snowing about 7:30 pm when I went out to close up the chicken and duck coops. Not enough to tell how much snow we are actually going to get.

Already delayed the Master Foods classes for tomorrow by 2 hours.  Which really throws off our schedule.  We have to get 30 hours of training in somehow.

Have a funeral to attend tomorrow night.  The weather system is suppose to come in tonight. Dump the snow and then tomorrow warm up to in the 50's.  By tomorrow night when I have to drive 30 miles one way to a funeral the roads should be fine. One of my Eastern Star sisters pasted away and we are doing the Eastern Star funeral rites for her.  They were done at my Mom's funeral and they are beautiful.

Spent the morning doing Master Gardening meetings, had lunch with a friend and came home bummed out because of the change in the weather.

Did you know? Every winter, at least one septillion (that's 1 followed by 24 zeros) snow crystals fall from the sky.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lazy day

Planted part of the garden yesterday and it wore me out.  It was fun though.  Had 3 children helping.  One of which must have thought I needed a shower.  She is only 4 and wasn't the most careful person to have with a water hose.  Planted peas, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.

Started with 6 broccoli plants but the ducks ate three right after we planted them.  Since we have not put up the garden fence to keep the ducks and chickens out, the idea was to plant the vegetables then put up a barrier to keep the chickens and ducks off the small portion of garden that we had planted. Didn't work the ducks were faster than we were.  Oh well, maybe the plants will survive with only one or two leaves left.

Not sure how many pea seeds are left either.  The chickens got to them off and on while we were  planting other vegetables.  The girl with the hose was suppose to be scaring them away but she was too busy spraying me.  At least it was me and not her sister or brother.  Have to look on the bright side of these things.

Stayed inside today.  It cooled down a lot from yesterday's temperatures and the wind was blowing.  Got some paperwork done.  Made peanut butter cookies. Only 4 ingredients and they are good, surprisingly.  Cleaned out some of the refrigerator.  Played on the computer some. Just a lazy day.

Did you know?  Beans increase flatulence because they carry a type of sugar called "oligosaccharides", which are hard for bacteria to break down, so they release gas in the process.